Monday, October 26, 2015


I want to talk about our beloved ʻĀINA, I have lived in Hawaii for 13, going on 14 years now.
The biggest thing about Hawaii is respect, as well as persevering the culture of the islands.
History is everywhere and is huge here on the islands.

I understand that and respect the people who have heritage here on the islands.

This post is about my opinion on TMT ( Thirty meter telescope).
I hear as well as see everywhere  I go is A'ole TMT, meaning of A'ole ( I understand that the Hawaiians want their land to stay sacred and to preserve their cultural heritage.

Now for my opinion. I want to say without offending anyone on any side of this debate for the thirty meter telescope to be not placed or to be placed, We would not be living in the world we are today without knowledge from science.
Look in your pocket, your hand or even around your house. No one would have a smart phone, the fans we have, computers, tv's, etc, without science. Knowledge is what has helped us all survive, and now has helped us provide comfort.

We all must understand that if we wish to continue to survive, we need continue to learn.
We would not have medicine to cure the ill without the tools & knowledge of science.
Scientific discovery has brought us far along, we no longer have to fend ourselves from wild animals or compete with wild animals for food.

I bring this up so that you can see that our world has changed so much due to all of theses things, we will always continual change so that we can grow.

Now imagine if we didn't have tsunami sirens to warn us, a tsunami would come and sadly some people would have a less chance of survival without properly being informed of such a natural disaster. We embrace technology but to extent? Another example would be hurricanes, we all know in Hawaii we have a hurricane season. Imagine if we didn't have anyone informing us because we didn't have the technology because people were just against it.

I will say it again, I am not against Hawaii Culture or the respect for the land.
I am just saying we live in a huge universe, we know a lot about our solar system due to scientific discoveries. It has helped us understand where we are in universe, we have learned a lot through Hubble and more explorations we have done.

I do want to say on the racist thing real fast, that you can not be racist, we all derive from the same ancestors if you far back enough on our history as humans. We have yes discovered this.
We are all the same species, your skin color may very but so does height, weight, eye color, hair color, etc. Are we really going to try to divide ourselves into groups??

Anyway back to the telescope, I am all for the thirty meter telescope, I understand that people want to preserve their history & culture. We all like the idea of knowing where everything all started, the history of what brings us here today. What if we don't just look to the people who lived before us and their stories. Don't you wish to know the bigger picture then just the stories over time you have heard from people down here on earth?

What about the amazing story of the birth of our home planet? Let's think even bigger the story of how the universe came to be, the one we are a part of.

The thirty meter telescope is a very important science instrument, you need to understand that every science instrument has different functions. Not all the telescope are the same, they all have specific jobs.

Why don't we build it somewhere other then Hawaii?
Well the reason behind building it on Mauna kea :
"With its high altitude, dry environment, and stable airflow, Mauna Kea's summit is one of the best sites in the world for astronomical observation. " 
Building anywhere else would cause problems to arise during research.

Thirty meter telescope:
Due to its immense light-gathering power and the optimal observing conditions which exist atop Mauna Kea, the TMT would enable astronomers to conduct research which is unfeasible with current instruments. The TMT is designed for near-ultraviolet to mid-infrared (0.31 to 28 μm wavelengths) observations, featuring adaptive optics to assist in correcting image blur. 

There is a lot of ready and variable information on the thirty meter telescope, just search it on google and see what pops up.

I hope all of us humans can work together to help all of us benefit from scientific discoveries.
Do any of you remember how amazing it was when we took our first step onto the moon?
The first time Earth was seen from above. Without doing this we wouldn't have satellites in the sky...
I hope you know what satellites have helped provide for us, if you don't click here and look.

Remember that science is what has helped structure the world we live in today, it is what helps us survive, communicate, travel, make better use of time, ect.

Please also do your own research as well.

These are refreneces to the plan for the Thrity meter telescope on Mauna kea on the Big island of Hawaii.

These are references to the protest of the Thirty meter telescope on Mauna kea.

These are references to Hawaii culture of Mauna Kea

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